Open Enrollment for Kindergarten 2025-2026:
FEBRUARY 24, 2025 - APRIL 4, 2025
Online application will be available on February 24, 2025.
Who May Apply?
- Kindergarten students (must be entering kindergarten for the first time and must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the year applying for (September 1, 2025 for the 2025-26 school year) – Verification of birthdate, proof of immunizations and proof of residence are required).
- Grades 1-8: Limited space/wait list – see application for required documentation. All applicants will be placed on waiting list in order of date received.
Who Should Apply?
- Strongly motivated students who can and will embrace a very rigorous dual immersion and science program.
When should my application be submitted?
- The open enrollment window for kindergarten for 2025-26 begins February 24, 2025 and will remain open until April 4, 2025.
- Applications for our waiting lists (current K-8) may be submitted at any time.
Important Events/Dates
- Friday, Jan. 31st - NO SCHOOL - District-wide Professional Development Day
- Monday, February 3rd - Basketball games @ Hanford Christian School, Boys and Girls A Team @ 3:15 pm; B Teams @ 4:00 pm
- Tuesday, February 4th - PTC Meeting @ 3:00 pm
- Wednesday, February 5th - Basketball Games @ Woodrow Wilson, Boys and Girls A Team only @ 3:30 pm
- Tuesday, February 11th - Basketball games vs St Rose McCarthy @ Jefferson - Boys and Girls A Teams Only @ 3:00 pm
- Friday, February 14th- Basketball games vs Lakeside @ Jefferson - Boys and Girls A Teams @ 3:00 pm; Boys B Team @ 4:00 pm
School Safety Information
Important School Safety Information
The safety of our students is of the utmost importance to us. Please review the safety tips below to help us keep our students safe.
- Yard supervisors are on campus at 7:15 am. Students are not to be dropped off before 7:15 am. For students who ride a school bus, adult supervision begins upon arrival of the first bus.
- The following drop-off and pickup zones have been designated:
Kinder - 2nd Grade - Malone Street gate
3rd - 4th Grade & Families - Parking lot gate off Middleton
5th - 8th Grade - Cameron Street gate (south side of school)
- Please follow all traffic laws when dropping off and picking up students. Do NOT impede the flow of traffic. Do NOT make U-turns. Do NOT double park.
- Drop-off between 7:15 - 7:45 am and always pull forward as far as possible. Students should exit/load from the passenger side of the vehicle.
- There is NO parking from 7:00 am to 8:00 am on Malone Street in front of school; this area is posted. Please drop off your student and immediately leave the area once they are safely through the front gate. Do not leave your vehicle unattended.
- Double Parking is NOT allowed around the school campus. Students will NOT be released to double parked cars.
- Please follow all speed regulations around the school, including the alley going north from Malone St.
- Crosswalks should be used at all times in the pickup areas. Park on the school side of the street to eliminate students having to cross the street.
- The bus lane is for school buses only. Personal vehicles are not allowed in the bus lane.
- For the safety of our students, all gates will remain locked during instructional hours.
- Parents and visitors must check into the office at all times before entering the campus.
- All adults are prohibited from using student restrooms. There are adult restrooms available in the office.
- Do not leave siblings of students not enrolled at Jefferson unattended while on campus.
- When picking-up your child, arriving 5-10 minutes after their dismissal will lessen the congestion.
- Keep an eye out for students and pedestrians as you drive through the parking lot and check behind you thoroughly before backing up.
- On Wednesdays, if you prefer to pick up your child right at release time and do not want them to eat lunch, please let them know ahead of time so they don't order a lunch and/or go into the cafeteria at dismissal.
Your assistance in eliminating traffic congestion and keeping our students safe is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Whale Tail Grant
Thanks to the California Coastal Commission, the Whale Tail Grant sponsored the 3rd-grade classes of Jefferson Academy so students could raise awareness about our coastal life. After visiting our coast and thorough research, they published two bilingual books, "protege nuestra costa de California" and "Endangered Whales of California." Have you ever seen California license plates with a whale tail on it? Yup, this was made possible, thanks to those donors.
Congratulations to Mrs. Lawson and Ms. Reynoso's 3rd Grade classrooms! Great job!
#checkthecoast #whaletailgrants #protectourcoastandocean #californiacoastalcommission #californiacoast
ParentVue Activation Information
Welcome to ParentVue. ParentVue is a tool that will provide parents with up-to-date information about their child's attendance and grades. Currently our 1st through 8th grade teachers will be utilizing ParentVue to post assignments and activities for your child's classroom.
If you haven't already activated your ParentVue account, you should have or will shortly receive a letter with the information needed to activate the account. The video posted below will assist you in activating your account. If you did not receive a letter, please contact the school office.
The video below provides information on how to use ParentVue once you have activated your account.
Please contact the office if you have any questions or concerns.
Principal's Message
Dear Jefferson Parents,
We hope that all of you had a wonderful summer with family and friends! We are excited as we head into a new school year! We want to welcome back all our returning families and extend a warm welcome to our new students and parents. Our entire Jefferson community is important to us, and we thank you for your collaboration and support as we continue to focus on your child’s learning this year. As a staff, we continue to focus on building strong and meaningful relationships with our students and parents.
As we prepare for the coming year and to ensure a great start, we have spent time analyzing student performance data (state testing, reading levels, etc.), identifying strengths and next instructional steps. We’ll ensure that our students have the tools necessary to be successful, as we provide high quality teaching and learning. We will continue to prioritize instructional time to give our students what they need to be successful at Jefferson.
I would like to welcome, Anel Acosta, as our new 6th grade English Language Arts teacher. Miss. Acosta is entering her fourth year of teaching and her first year at Jefferson. She has previously taught with Sanger Unified and Oxnard School District. Her previous teaching experience has been in Dual Language Immersion programs. Miss. Acosta is passionate about advocating for the benefits of multilingual communication and fostering lifelong learning in a dual language environment. Outside of work, Miss. Acosta loves reading, currently training for a half marathon event in November, and enjoys playful moments with her dog, Benny.
I am pleased to announce that Lupe Rangel will be our new Learning Director. Lupe has been part of several Dual Language Immersion programs in various districts and has taught a range of grade levels, most recently our 6th grade language arts core. Lupe brings an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience to our program, and we are excited about her new role at Jefferson.
Please extend a warm welcome and support them throughout the school year. These individuals will be a great asset to our program and their educational philosophies mirror those of our school.
Sign-up for Parent Square to get information about events, important dates, and extra-curricular activities. Let’s make it another great year at Jefferson! Go Águilas!
Mr. Espindola